Dec 1, 2014



Napokon sam završila adventski kalendar za kčer.
Malo je potrajalo ali sam jako zadovoljna kako izgleda.
Završila sam ga na vrijeme.
Paola (kći) je oduševljena kalendarom.
Stavila sam u ladice samo slatkiše,ne previše.
Kčer i ja smo napravile adventski vijenac i vijenac za vrata.
Ovaj manji je napravila Paola sama.
OK ona je velika cura,ima jedanaest godina.
Ja sam veča cura pa sam nespretnija od nje.
Zaljepila sam se s vručim ljepilom čak nekoliko puta ali ona čak nijednom.
Ovo je sve za sad kreativni prijatelji,vidimo se uskoro sa božičnim čestitkama
P.S. ponoč je prošla (01:55)
Mislim da je vrijeme za krevet :)
Laku noć!

I finally finished with advent calendar for my daughter.
It took a while but I'm very pleased how it turn out.
I make it on time.
Paola (my daughter) is thrilled withcalendar.
I put inside drawers only candy,not too much.
I made with daughter also this advent wreaths and wreath for the door.
This small one wreath made Paola all by her self.
OK she is big girl,she is 11.
Am the bigger girl and Im clumsier than she.
I hot glue myself few times but she didn't even once.
This is all for now crafty friends see you soon with some christmas cards!
P.S.her in Croatia is past midnight (it is 01:55)
I think is time to go in bed :)
Good night!

9 komentari:

KT Fit Kitty said...

WOW, Fiki! Your advent calendar is wonderful! It turned out so beautiful - I wouldn't know where to start to make something like this! You did a fantastic job and no wonder Paola loves it - I love it too! The flowers and decorations on it are wonderful too and I like the wreaths you made - I bet you know my favourite wreath is the one with the kitty! Well done - this is fantastic!

Martina said...

Prekrasno ste dekorirale kalendar i vjencice.
Lp, Martina

brenda said...

What a lovely advent calendar KIitty, I am sure your daughter will love it. Your Christmas wreath looks really good as well.

B x

Bad Kitty said...

Oh thank you Kitty for your kind words.
Now I'm blushing...

Bad Kitty said...

thank you Brenda

marion said...

lovelyand it so looks nice in your house with all those lovely xmas decorations, hugs, Marion

*Vicki* said...

This looks really beautiful!! You've done a brilliant job with your decorations! :)

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

tako zelo si se potrudila
to pa bo lep december
vse dobro

Bad Kitty said...

Hvala ti