Hello friends
Today is sunday ,time for my sunday favorites!
And this sunday going to be sweet on my blog!
I love Jelly beans! here in Croatia we can't buy them in any store.
they come in Lidl once on year and they are available one week.
When they are come in the store I buy few packages.

this is my favorite coffee that I drink.

and coffee with cookies is so perfect!

yumi ice cream!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Have a nice day!
Happy crafting!

10 komentari:
Oh I am loving your likes this Sunday especially the Jelly Beans.
Linda xxx
Hello, Fiki, these all look so yummy! The cookies made me hungry! Have a good day!
What yummy favorites!! I love jelly beans!! And cookies!! And ice cream!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
Cute yummy pics!
Jao meni, več za doručak me siluješ sa ovakvim jelima. Šta da kažem...njami za kofeee, njami za sladoled i za cookije. Eee moja Fiki, a moji kilogrami???? Komu da se žalim?????
hahha :D ma kilogrami šta fali koji više tu i tamo :D
LOL!! You must have been hungry today when you chose your favorites!! :) These are good choices indeed!! YUM!!
Oh my gosh! Now I need a cookie.
grr sad mi sline cure :d e ima jelia u muleru više vrsta i pakiranja, nisu jeftini ko u lidlu al kad je kriza i kad navratiš da znaš heheh :*
♥Pozdrav Valentina♥
I'm not a huge jelly bean fan, but I love Jelly Belly jelly beans! They are in a class of their own!
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