Oct 30, 2015

Cat Lovers blog Hop 2nd post for day 5

My 2nd post today!


Why I love cats so much?
When I was kid I didn't have friends. None...
So I found friends in this super amazing little fur balls.
Best friends ever!
I'm allergic to cats but that didn't stopped me.
When I kiss my cats then I have problem because my tongue is swollen and I look like a dog and Im all red from itching myself
haha its so funny,but not to my hubby.
He is to worried. I know control myself around this cuties.
No I dont know!

This cat draw and color my husband.
It was my gift for Valentines day.

Me and Coffee

 Me and crni ( blacky)

Me and Squeaky

See you my friends
 Image du Blog mamietitine.centerblog.net

21 komentari:

Barbara Godden said...

Adorable card, lovely blog, great pictures of your cats. I only have one she is an 18 year old Black cat. lover her to pieces.

D.Ann C said...

Your little fur babies are adorable - I LOVE that pic of Coffee with the daisy on his head! Your hubby did a great job on his drawing!! It's been a fun hop!

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

What a fabulous drawing!! The coloring is perfect!! And what beautiful pictures of you and your kitties :) Have a great weekend :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

New Creations said...

Wonderful drawing and superb coloring! Great and sweet pics of your furry one!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

What a fab pic of puss in boots and lovely photos too

Jerrie said...

Your cats and your card are super adorable. I love how soft your card looks and I know your cats are super sott!!

Becca Yahrling said...

You have beautiful cats! Love the daisy on Coffee's head! Cute. And the drawing is fabulous - very talented is your hubby.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Wow, Fiki, you have a talented hubby too! His drawing is beautiful - what a lovely gift for Valentine's Day! I love seeing Coffee with a daisy on his head - so funny! And you have taken some awesome selfies with each of your kitties - you are so lucky! My cats do not like to be held or picked up. They like to sit beside or near me but not on my lap, only very occasionally. When they do venture onto my lap, it is a treat for me!

cotnob said...

A wonderful drawing from your husband, he is very talented.

Tinka's paper wonderlland said...

Sad imaš i mice i prijateljicu ♥ crtež je super a sva sreča pa na mene nisi dobila alergiju hihi, možda kad se često ne vidimo hihi

Karenladd said...

What a wonderful gift to you from your husband and what a sweet drawing! The two of you are both creative and artistic, and it sounds like your fur babies are lucky to have found you! I too am allergic to cats but I've learned to wash my hands after petting them and we had to stop letting them into the bedroom. As long as I don't rub my eyes after I touch the cat, I'm okay! Thanks so much for sharing your projects and cat photos this week!

Lisa Lynn said...

That card is just incredible. Your cat coffee looks like one of the Siamese that I had previously and a little like my Jasmine now. I have 3 Siamese.

Unknown said...

Hallo liebe Kitty,
ich liebe ja Katzen sehr und habe auch zwei zu Hause,einmal den Odin eine Main con Katze und dann noch Amanie eine heilige Pirma Katze,deine Coffee hat viel Ähnlichkeit mit meiner und deine Karte sieht einfach wunderschön aus,
glg ulrike

KarinsArtScrap said...

it's a fantastic card Kitty and fab photo's.
Gr Karin

Linda Simpson said...

Hello Kitty, I have two cats called tiggy and fluffy, they are 4 and 2 years old and love them to bits. Loving your card and beautiful photographs too.
Linda xxx

Klaudija Rajković said...

jako lijepa čestitka je od muža a i fotografije su ti originalne, svaka ti čast i na izradi tepmplate za blog :D super je

Janis said...

Oh, I just adore the photos of you and your kitties!!!! Wonderful pictures. Also, what a lovely cat drawing.....a very sweet gift.
Thanks you for all your encouragement this week. It has been a joy to get to know you!!!!
Thanks so much for linking this up in the Cat Lovers Hop!!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

CAT LOVERS HOP EXTENDED!! Link up thru Nov.1, Comment thru Nov.3 at HerPeacefulGarden.blogspot.com!!!

mandysea said...

I love the photos!! you have a 'blacky' too! Coffee is beautiful with the flower on head! Squeaky is adorable! What fabulous artwork of your kitty! very talented!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I love kitties for the same reason. I used to be allergic to kitties but not anymore. I wasn't as allergic as you though. Even after I got over being allergic to most cats I was still allergic to Siamese cats. We have Cindy cat and she is Siamese but she doesn't bother my allergies. She came from a shelter so she probably isn't a full breed so that may be why. I love my kitties.

ike said...

Oh, such a sweet card Fiki - he is sooooo clever :-D
Your kitties are beautiful.... but NO kissing ok ?!!! :-D xxxxxxxxxxxxx