Nov 23, 2014

♥ ♥ ♥

Inače se ne volim hvaliti ali sa ovim što je muž danas napravio jednostavno moram.
Nadam se da mi nečete zamjeriti.
Ja uvjek imam neke lude ideje koje moj muž naravno kaže da nije moguče napraviti.
Neki dan sam vidjela sličan ovakav adventski kalendar i rekla mužu  kako bi bilo super da mi to napravi.
Odmah je rekao  da nema šanse!
Ali danas me lijepo  iznenadio kad ga je donio.
Bilo je to stvarno divno iznenađenje

Moj muž je najbolji. ♥ ♥ 

Naravno adventski kalendar je za našu kčer.
Ja ga uređujem i napravim ladice gdje čemo stavljati poklone.
Dok sam ja odrastala nažalost situacija u mojoj familiji je bila jako skromna.
Bili smo nas šestero djece i mama i tata.
Bili smo sretni da imamo hranu i krov nad glavom.
Zato svojoj kčeri uvjek nastojim pružiti sve što ja nisam imala,poput ovakvih stvari ali ne previše da ju ne razmazim.

Normally I don't like to brag,but with this what my husband did today for me I simply must.
I hope you do not mind.
I always have some crazy ideas that my husband of course say that it is not possible to do.
The other day I saw this similar advent calendar and told to my husband that it would be great if hi make one .
He immediately said no way!
But today I was pretty surprised when hi brought it.
It was really a wonderful surprise.

My husband is the best.♥ ♥ 

Of course Advent Calendar is for our daughter.
I will decorated and make drawers where we will put gifts.
While I was growing up, unfortunately, the situation in my family was very modest.
We were six of us kids and mom and dad.
We were happy that we have food and shelter.
Because I didn't have  anything like this I always try to give my daughter what I did not have,but not too much that she does not become spoil.

19 komentari:


Divno. Bit če vrlo sretna. A tvome mužu sve pohvale, jer sluša ženu. čao

Anonymous said...

Wow very clever husband. Cant wait to see more x

Bad Kitty said...

super muž :)

Bad Kitty said...

I can't wait to decorate and make drawers and put some candy for my girl.

Martina said...

Krasno. Baš mi se sviđa.
Lp, MArtina

aussie aNNie said...

Gorgeous surprise...happy for you and look forward to seeing how you decorate it.xxxx
aNNie The Journey is the Start

marion said...

lovely handy hubby, lovely gift from him, glad you shared, hugs, Marion

Ondinijana said...

Predivan je, dopašće joj se sigurno. A sa takvim mužem i treba da se hvališ :-)

*Vicki* said...

Great job hubby!

Bad Kitty said...


Bad Kitty said...


Bad Kitty said...

yes lovely gift
Im so happy

Bad Kitty said...

ne volim se hvaliti :)

Bad Kitty said...

yes great job

KT Fit Kitty said...

Your hubby is amazing! What a wonderful advent calendar and I can't wait to see the finished project that you will make! I know your daughter will love it!

Bad Kitty said...

Hello Kitty.
I already painted in red and now I must make drawers and decorated

Klaudija Rajković said...

odlična ideja, baš me zanima kakav če na kraju da izgleda..pozz

Bad Kitty said...

baš ga uređujem nadam se da če biti super :)

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Začetek je bil dobro načrtovan