Sep 19, 2014


Danas sam ostala bez svoje mace...
Pogazio ga je auto...
Jako sam tužna..
Moj Spooky više se neče igrati samnom...
Osjećam se kao da nedostaje dio mene...

Today, I lost my cat ... 
Got hit by a car ... 
I am very sad .. 
My Spooky will no longer play with me ..
I feel like it's missing a part of me

Rest in peace my kitty...

10 komentari:

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh, No! Fiki, that makes me very sad! I am so sorry you lost your kitty. I will be thinking about you.

brenda said...

Oh how sad Kitty, I am so sorry for you, try to remember the happy times.

B x

aussie aNNie said...

awww how sad to lose a beloved pet and companion....poor

marion said...

This is so sad and such a loss, my condolances on this great loss, lots of hugs and I will burn a candle for this loved one, Marion

Mandy said...

I am so sorry for your loss sweetie, your Spooky was so beautiful
Mandy xx

Bad Kitty said...

Thank you all for your support and kind words.
That means so much to me

Ondinijana said...

Znam da ne postoje reči koje bi mogle da ti olakšaju tugu, žao mi je što si ga izgubila.

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Kako te razumem
bil je zelo lep muc
drži se

Bad Kitty said...

hvala Tamara,držim se...

Lizzidroege said...

o my so very sorry...big hug lizzi