Jun 29, 2014

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Milijun rijeći ne može te vratiti,znam jer sam probala..
Milijun suza nemože te vratiti,znam jer sam ih isplakala...
Jako mi nedostaješ...
Uvjek si mi u mislima...
Zauvjek si u mom srcu...
Prošlo je 12 godina otkad je moja mama preminula...
A million words can not bring you back, I know because I tried .. 
A million tears can not bring you back, because I've cried ... 
I really miss you ... 
You're always on my mind ... 
You're forever in my heart ...
It's been 12 years since my mom passed away..

♥Moji roditelji ♥
♥ My parents ♥

4 komentari:

KT Fit Kitty said...

Sending you big hugs!

aussie aNNie said...

I can relate so well to this sadness...hugs to you my mum passed away nearly three years ago and I still feel her around me...my dad is 101 and I care for him....each day is a blessing...remember the hugs and kisses and the good times and celebrate her new life...in God's care...
The Journey is the Start

Bad Kitty said...

Thank you...
Hugs to you too..

Bad Kitty said...

Thank you for your kind words...
I'm sorry for your mom...