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Nov 16, 2023

Good Bye Ares


After 14 years our Ares has passed away.
Im so heartbroken...



  1. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet pup.

  2. Jako mi je žao što ovo čitam Fikiju, oni su dio naše obitelji i jako su nam nedostajali kada smo ih izgubili.

    Razumijem, izgubili smo Lily prošli mjesec, imala je 13 godina i još uvijek imamo njezinu sestru, a zatim prije tri tjedna Ben koji je imao 28 godina, jedan od konja, svima nam jako nedostaje. Prisjetite se sretnih vremena i prekrasnih Aresovih fotografija koje imate.

    Ovo prevodim na hrvatski i nadam se da ćete razumjeti jer sam vam puno toga htjela reći i htjela sam se uvjeriti da ima smisla.

    B x

  3. Jako mi je žao, što ste izgubili vašeg Aresa. Potpuno te razumijem da si slomljena. To je zaista teško. Budi jaka.

  4. Oh no...! 😢 I'm so, so sorry for him and for you, Fiki... I know how you feel, I lost some dogs in my life, each time has been a great suffering.
    Biggest hugs ❤

  5. Oh no, Fiki, I am so sad to read this, and to see the photos and happy memories of your beloved Ares. He was a beautiful dog and a wonderful friend and family member. I have tears in my eyes, thinking how heartbroken you are feeling. Thank you for sharing the photos. I have never owned a dog so I can only imagine how sad you must be. Sending lots of hugs and heartfelt sympathies to you, Mario, and Paola. I am thinking about you, my friend.


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Have a purrfect crafty day!

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