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Sep 26, 2020


 Hi friends.

I have little giveaway. 

Mario is having birthday on 24th October and I would like if you sent him card.

I will draw winner on 15th November with all cards that arrive. 

I will also draw winner of last giveaway at same date.

Sorry about that... 

I didn't forget just with this pandemia I didn't want to winner wait long for prize to arrive. 

I will put something together and will upload photo later of the prize. 

Don't feel well lately so I didn't had chance to do it before. 

Address is:

Address will be removed after this giveaway ends. 

Thank you all. 



here is prize for this giveaway!


  1. Hi Fiki,
    Of course I will send a card to Mario for his birthday.
    Hugs, my dear friend,

  2. Hej hej Fiki.
    Žao mi je, što nisam bila puno na tvom blogu, ali kod nas je ludo. Obje cure imaju školovanje kod kuče, a 3 godišnji Tim je jako živ.
    Poslala sam čestitku za Mariov rodžen dan. Kasnit če malo, a stiči če... Žamo mi je, što sam kasna.
    Nadam se, da ste dobro i zdravi.
    Zagrljaj iz Slovenije


Im very happy when you take time and visit me.
Thank you for all love on my blog!
Have a purrfect crafty day!

I dont ask from you word verification!
I remove it but still appears.